There are hundreds of thousands of acres of rangeland and pasture throughout the state of Texas. Properly caring for pastureland requires true dedication. Miss a season or misidentify a grass, and your herd will suffer. Most ranchers don’t have time to give their pasture the attention it needs to really thrive, though.

That’s why Herbitech offers range and pasture management services in East Texas. We provide custom-designed pesticidal and herbicidal solutions to ensure that your pasture and rangeland are performing well and providing enough forage for your herds.

Contact us today to learn more about our pasture management services and to speak with one of our representatives about how we can help you.

Range & Pasture Services


A big part of successful pasture management is ensuring that the land is fertile enough to grow forage for your animals in between grazing cycles. Applying fertilizer can help ensure that your pastureland is able to grow what it needs and that it grows in such quantity that weeds and other undesirables don’t have room to seed.

Herbitech has helped dozens of ranchers and farmers develop richer, lusher pastureland for their animals. Our customized approach to improving your pastureland will ensure that the forage your animals need is growing in abundance on your property.

Herbicide Application

Oftentimes people want to transition land into pastureland. That’s a job that requires quite a bit of work, and part of it includes selective herbicides that will get rid of weeds, brush, and other undesirable plants to make room for grasses and forage. Herbicides are also useful for getting rid of fungus and invasive species that may be sucking nutrients from the soil.

Herbitech has extensive experience with pasture management throughout East Texas. We have experience with selective herbicides and have helped ranchers improve the pasture they have or reclaim new land to use as a pasture.

Pest Control

A serious armyworm infestation can destroy a pasture a thousand times faster than a herd of cows can. Ensuring that your pastureland is free from pests that destroy plants is essential to raising your herds.

Whether you’re fighting off armyworms or not, Herbitech has the resources and experience to help keep your pastureland free from pests that will damage the forage in the area. We’ve helped ranchers throughout East Texas get rid of unwanted pests on their land and will do the same for you.

EPA-Approved, Animal-Safe Treatment

When we’re working on pastureland, Herbitech technicians use only EPA-approved pesticides and herbicides. We ensure that your pastures will be compliant with regulations and that your animals are totally safe.

Contact us today to schedule a pasture management consultation today.

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